[TenTec] 400 Hz CW

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at verizon.net
Sat Mar 4 17:06:30 EST 2006

>  > Low frequency audio into the ear canal is a bit like VHF RF into a
> microwave waveguide. Energy transfer from outside to the ear drum is no
> doubt much more efficient at higher audio frequencies.
I was suggesting this as one possible cause of more hearing damage at 
high frequencies versus the low end. Also loud noises tend to have more 
harmonic content (higher frequencies) as the mechanically vibrating 
objects or electronic circuits producing or transferring the sound are 
driven in to nonlinear modes. This type of hearing loss would be 
associated with damage inside the cochlea and desensitization of the 
nerves that respond to the high end. Of course there are many other 
causes or hearing loss related to changes in the mechanics of the ear 
drum and the little bones.

I take care of my hearing by limiting my exposure to loud sounds. I 
cover my ears and go away immediately when I think a sound my be loud 
enough to cause damage. I'm almost 50 and I think my hearing is better 
than most people both younger and older than me. Probably ought to get a 
hearing test to find out for sure.


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