[TenTec] Orion CW keying with v 2.054 & 2.055 using Acom 2000

Lawrence Stoskopf stoskopf at tri.net
Sun Mar 5 12:07:08 EST 2006

The filter does wonders on the early Orions.  The other alternative is to 
use a small program that Krazy (sp?) at Acom has written for software 
control.  I don't have it, but he mentioned it at Dayton one year. 

I had a strange problem this weekend.  I use the SteppIR with the N8LP 
protection box in line with the TX line.  Decided to do some in the DX 
contest this weekend, strictly on 40 and didn't turn on the Yagi stuff.  
Everytime I turned the Acom to Operate, the RX would quiet.  Fiddled for a 
while and finally made about 30 contacts pushing the standby button between 
exchanges.  Finally brightend up and took the N8LP out of the loop and 
things worked.  Duh!
Back to the old Command Set I used to use! 


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