[TenTec] Thanks

Marty Hartwell mhartwe at columbus.rr.com
Sun Mar 5 14:26:55 EST 2006

Hi all
Thanks to Bill and Mike and several others I have heard from about the 
ringing in
my ears. I was commenting on another email I saw in the digest but it 
seems to
be a common thing with guys my age plus or minus a few years. Maybe it 
is common
with old age as we age. I don't remember having the problem even ten 
years ago.
I do remember having a very bad cold a few years ago and noticing it 
start during
that event. As I told one you responding to me, I will be talking to my 
doctor on Saturday.
There may not be anything he can do directly but I may ask for a hearing 
test to see where
the high end is, just for future reference. I don't think any one thing 
caused this other than
old age except an accumulation of the noisy environments I have been 
throughout my
several careers. So if you work in a noisy environment get some ear plugs.


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