[TenTec] Even More Anecdotal NR observations -- Orion II

Kc9cdt at aol.com Kc9cdt at aol.com
Wed Mar 8 08:41:28 EST 2006

I had a little more time yesterday to experiment with NR.

My feeling now is it is working better than I originally thought, even though 
I hope it goes back to more like 1.371 still.

Now I see why I am so negative on it. It is not so much that it distorts the 
signal, which it certainly does depending on a lot of things, it is my 
objection as to what it makes the noise sound like.

The noise component seems to sound very 'crackley' (if that's a word), or 
another way to say it 'kind of like a signal breaking up.'

I found last night that if I run the AGC threshold up a lot (just until the 
signal and noise take a pretty big decrease) the NR seems to work better.

I did all this testing on 20 when it was going away for the night. NR seemed 
to work a lot better with stronger signals than week ones which is a 

It's been a while since I had Orion, so like Grant it would be great to 
compare them. I am still thinking the 1.371 version was better, especially for week 

So, TT please look into this. Take an Orion v1.371 and an OII side by side 
and do some testing. You guys are very smart folks, you will then see what is 
needed to improve the NR system.

Lee, kc9cdt

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