[TenTec] Jupiter vs Omni VI

Travis Martin AccurateService at sbcglobal.net
Fri Mar 10 15:59:01 EST 2006

I've never had or used a Jupiter; my benchmark for easy-to-listen-to 
SSB audio has always been the Collins S-Line...how does the Jupiter 
compare? The Collins stuff isn't anything great for CW contesting 
either, by the way...but sure is great for SSB ragchewing and looks 
good on the table.

Travis N5AY

On Mar 10, 2006, at 1:20 PM, Rich McCabe wrote:

> Paul said "I think that the Jupiter has the best receieve audio of any 
> radio
> that I have used on SSB. "
> I agree with that. I think its one of th best rag chewing radios ever. 
> You
> can listen to it for hours without fatigue. And personally, I think 
> that
> same smooth audio carries across on transmit as well. The Jupiter 
> might not
> stack up against the Omni VI in a contest, but I have friends with both
> radios and also a FT1000mp and I would much rather listen to them on 
> their
> Pegasus/Jupiter than the Omni VI or MP.
> I have had two Pegs. Ten Tec did a great thing with the DSP/Filter 
> setup.
> 73,
> Rich
> kd0zv

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