[TenTec] Scout?

ARDUJENSKI at aol.com ARDUJENSKI at aol.com
Fri Mar 10 18:13:12 EST 2006

I have seen very few comments regarding SCOUT problems. In the past there  
were a few discussions about that annoying hiss and a few requests on how  to 
turn the Scout into an ARGO (556) thru a castration process (smile). Since I  am 
not a speed demon on CW the keyer is not a problem. Heck I guess you would  
call it more of a "drawl." I have had mine several years with no problems to  
date (knock on wood). I was curious if others have had that much good  luck?
What I love is the simplicity of operation and I am one that feels menus  
belong in restaurants (grin) so equally love the fact it is a knob turner radio.  
With a flick of the wrist it is either QRP or QRO (unlike the ARGO). Actually 
I  guess it is a TWEENER. You can operate between QRP and QRO (100 watts) 
since max  is about 50 watts.
I did go high-tech in purchasing an LDG Z-11 ATU. Having a full set of  
modules, PS, and mobile bracket makes it a nice general purpose radio.  So  any 
Woodinville, WA

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