[TenTec] those wonderful Scouts

Peg Haese KB9LIE kb9lie at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 10 20:50:56 EST 2006

Alan, I was lucky enough to find a Scout and quite a few modules for
$300 to be my first HF radio. Its first owner died and I bought it from
his son, who said it was his dad's favorite rig. I could only operate
mobile at the time and used monoband magnetic antennas. 

The Scout was a perfect learner rig! I could concentrate on operating
rather than fiddling with controls. A lot of studying and listening
helped when I finally had the courage to answer a CQ. I worked a lot of
DX with it and even some big contests.

Since the Scout wasn't able to operate split, I upgraded to a Yaesu
FT-900 with internal tuner (another underrated radio). Several people
wanted to buy the Scout but I kept it as a backup rig. 

Smart move! Now it gets loaned out (with 80, 40, 15, and 10-meter
modules) to local new hams as an incentive to upgrade. They don't get
the mike or 17, 20 and 160 meter modules until they have HF privileges.
Then when they upgrade to general they have to get a rig of their own
and the Scout comes back.

I found the Scout to have an excellent receiver and worked many people
wanting to know what I was running. Often my answer of "Ten-Tec Scout"
would bring a response of, "Yeah, I've heard they are really good for a
basic rig."

So anyway, there are a lot of Scouts out there working away.

73 de Peg KB9LIE in SW Wisconsin

PS: Paul K9OT and I were both running Scouts mobile when we met at a
special event station. All downhill from there....

--- ARDUJENSKI at aol.com wrote:

So any other SCOUT USERS?

Woodinville, WA

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