Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX
RMcGraw at Blomand.Net
Fri Mar 10 22:09:09 EST 2006
I have had the Paragon and indeed it is one fine radio. That is until I
obtained an Omni VI Plus. Great radio indeed. Decided after a bit that I
wanted a general coverage receiver and thus sold the Omni VI Plus and bought
a Paragon II. Really fine radio much nicer than the original Paragon.
Decided that I wanted even better radio so I purchased a late model Omni VI
Plus. In all cases I loaded them with the desired Tentec filters. And the
love of my life sits on the shelf above the Tentec's and that is my prized
1960 Collins S-Line consisting of a 32S-1 transmitter and a 75S-3B receiver
along with the 516B power supply and speaker.
As to the Tentec's,. I use a matching power supply on each one of them. I
see that I do need to update the pix on QRZ.COM as it is "short" one set of
Bob, K4TAX
A connoisseur of fine radios
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vic Klein" <vhklein at ptd.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] PARAGON vs OMNI V VI VI+
> As Ten Tec's first synthesized HF radio, I think some maligned the Paragon
> unfairly. There were some teething issues (reminds me of what you read on
> the Orion) due to some mechanical soldering problems on the PLL board, but
> those were addressed and for my money the Paragon is hands down the best
> value in a top end radio out there! I have had mine for several years and
> it
> is great. It replaced a Kenwood TS-930, which was no slouch itself, but
> the
> Paragon clearly beats in every aspect. In our morning drive-time 2m
> get-together we have 3 committed Paragon users, and a couple more using
> Omnis or Deltas. Nobody wants to trade to a different radio.
> As an aside, like someone mentioned about the Collins S-Line (truly
> classic
> good looking rigs), I think the Paragon and Omni V-VI radios are the best
> looking modern rigs. I was sorry that Ten Tec went to the basic black or
> gray of the current line.
> =Vic=
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] PARAGON vs OMNI V VI VI+
> From: "kartooo at netzero.net" <kartooo at netzero.net>
> Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
> Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 22:35:27 GMT
> List-post: <mailto:tentec at contesting.com>
> Hi,
> Never see anything about the paragon vs other rigs on here. I just
> recently
> purchased a paragon and i love it. I use it only on ssb and i have all the
> filters and gehiel chip. I have owned the top end yaesu,kenwood,icom stuff
> in
> the past but really like the simple straight fwd working of the paragon
> and
> it's looks. I have owned maybe 15 to 20 used rigs and always get bored and
> re-sell. The paragon is a keeper for sure.I know the later omni's carry a
> bigger price tag onn the used market but why ? the cabinet and layout look
> the
> same as the paragon. what are the extra features and do they really add
> that
> much more value to the radio ?
> TNX.
> Larry N1YW
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