Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.Net
Fri Mar 10 22:26:42 EST 2006

After all there's only 46 years difference in the age of the radios.  I'd 
hope that maturity and technology has moved ahead a wee bit during the 46 
year period.  Yes, the audio and filters on the 75S-3B is simply outstanding 
even by today's comparisons.

As to the 32S-1 transmitter, fine audio and ALC that is smooth.  As to CW 
with that transmitter........don't bother to buy a key and plug it in.  It's 
rotten with a capital "R".

Bob, K4TAX

> the 75S3B was the best receiver i ever owned until the Orion graced my 
> desk.
> i never could afford the matching tx so finally sold the rx. now i wish i
> had the 75S3C. jack ak7o

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