[TenTec] Jupiter vs Omni VI

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at qsl.net
Sat Mar 11 10:17:51 EST 2006

I would submit that the best looking Ten-Tec radio is the original 
Corsair. You gotta love that dark gray panel, big, red and green  LED 
display, and the big toggle switches!

			Bob WB2VUF

ron wrote:

> "looks good on the table",  that's the first time I heard a ham 
> admit that! (smile)
> Ron wb1hga
> "because it's a Ten Tec"
> Travis Martin wrote:
>>I've never had or used a Jupiter; my benchmark for easy-to-listen-to 
>>SSB audio has always been the Collins S-Line...how does the Jupiter 
>>compare? The Collins stuff isn't anything great for CW contesting 
>>either, by the way...but sure is great for SSB ragchewing and looks 
>>good on the table.
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