[TenTec] Sweep on O2

CATFISHTWO at aol.com CATFISHTWO at aol.com
Sun Mar 12 14:35:55 EST 2006


as an aside to the comments below here is my take.  Orion   running 1.732, 
alpha 87a, 3 ele steppir or gap voyager, my basic setup .
I also have a 5btv, ma5b alpha delta 160-20 sloper and other  antennas.
I use the Orion for modest contesting.  For example  last week I  did about 
20 hours in the arrl dx contest (ssb) and made about 350 contacts  over 3 day 
on 10 to 160.
I used the Orion.  it worked very well.  I would spot the  occasional call to 
my local friends on 2 meters and most of the time they could  not even hear 
My Orion was usually set  at 2250 on BW 75 on rfgain, audio volume  loud, NR 
either off or on 1. worked  a lot of split. it did fine
I also fired up the 746 pro and the ts 2000 and listened to the same signal  
on all 3 and I find the Orion was consistently better.  With the same  
antenna, I could usually hear "something" on all 3 but I could understand   it on the 
Orion. It has that 10% better hearing to let you pull out the soft  ones. I 
think by controlling the bandwidth, gain and offset of the signal, it  allowed 
me to quiet nearby stations, get rid of band noise, kill most of the  Base 
part of the signal and let me hear the weak ones.
I could hear them on all 3 ( or hear something!!) but I could pull them out  
on the Orion, for instance a yu1oj was continually reported as ya1oj and was  
weak but the call was definitely yu1oj so that is the things that make the 
Orion  shine in my book.
It just gives you more control of the signal, so you can make it sound the  
way YOU need it to be able to hear it.  
As an aside, both the Orion and the alpha 87a use silent switching.   it is 
such a pleasure to use VOX ste to drop off in 25 milliseconds, and talk on  vox 
naturally, just like you were sitting next to me.  no more AHHHHH   to hold 
the amp up between words.  with no click on click off, you just  talk and don't 
care.  I wish I had bought the OIrion / Alpha 87 first, it  is a superb set 
The new O II and newer versions of all the soft ware may be better, and may  
need some minor adjusting, but folks who are reading this thinking  about 
buying an Orion, by all means do it.  it is simply the best HF  rig I have ever 
used. and I have had probably 20 or 30 different rigs  over the years, and 
currently own 8 hf rigs.  but I use the Orion.
tom N6AJR
In a message dated 3/12/2006 9:42:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
douglas.shock at gmail.com writes:


Nothing is broke...there are just a few of us who refuse  to be appliance

It is an excellent radio. Do I  find the sweep concerning? No I don't. It's
an interrupt thing. It serves  my purpose well. The NR...it works and it
works well...what's in question  is how it works.

Please don't let these few items shadow the  brilliance of this radio. I have
been a Yaesu operator for 12 years now.  True, it is an adjustment for me but
an easy one now and I wish I had gone  tentec years ago.

The flexibility of this radio goes beyond my  wildest expectations. Let's not
overlook the incredible DSP in the 3rd  IF...holy cow you have to hear it to
believe it. 100 hz and no ring...199  tap points and 50 hz away the s9+
signal is gonzo. The crystal filters in  my mark V never worked this well.

If you are holding  out...don't do it. I have spent the last year weighing
the difference with  the big three...needless to say...here I am on a  tentec

On 3/12/06, Toby Pennington  <toby423 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> <<<<I'm not  quite sure what you mean, but of course it moves when you
> tune.   It
> doesn't move WHILE you tune, at "normal" tuning dial rates using  the knob.
> The minute you stop, or even just hesitate, the sweep  immediately begins
> to
> update at your new dial  frequency.
> Grant/NQ5T>>>>>>
>  I assume what you are trying to say is that the sweep does not move in
>  tandem with the VFO AS you are turning the VFO,  but when you stop  turning
> the VFO the sweep will reflesh and set up on that new  frequency.
> If this is the case then the sweep is practicaly  useless.  What else
> besides the Sweep and the NR that is broke in  the O2?  New potential buyers
> want to know?  How about the  TX audio?
>  _______________________________________________

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