[TenTec] Sweep on OII

root [knesbitt] knesbitt at nucleus.com
Sun Mar 12 17:35:28 EST 2006

that may be true in certain circumstances, however irrespective of this,
I have found the spectrum display to be extremely effective when
watching for band openings, for example, 10m during sporadic e season,
or 20m cw late in the evening. A simple sprint to the marker and your
I guess my other question to the list in general is this;
My understanding was that the new more powerful processor employed in
the O-II was going to alleviate much of the limitations associated with
the O-I architecture?
If we're dealing with an interrupt or a processor hp issue, why is this
sweep limitation not manifest in certain other [cheaper] radio's
(excluding the IC-7000 or 746Pro)?
It is my understanding that with the exception of the IC-7800, or
ft-9000abcdefg  (staying within current lines), the other offerings do
*not* employ dedicated receiver strips or A/D to service the
"pan-adapter"exclusively. What am I missing here?
Make no mistake, this is an otherwise awesome piece of communications
equipment with untouchable core performance numbers, so much so that
I've pre-paid for mine over a month ago.
I truly hope that Ten Tec carries through with their intent on bringing
out the dedicated high speed "spectrum display" module for the radio as
I'm sure this will be one thing the evil doers will focus on in the
absence of anything else to criticize.

Kirb,  VE6IV

-- -- --
BobK8IA at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 3/11/06 10:35:01 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  
> knesbitt at nucleus.com writes:
> My  question would then be, how do you employ the band display in a hunt
> and  pounce operation, particularly under crowded band condx? I just
> don't see  it working.
> The sweep is practically useless for a contest application. I turned mine  
> off for the past 3 contests (as long as I have had the O2), ARRL DX CW, CQWW 160 
>  SSB and ARRL DX Phone, as it was just visual commotion that was unecessary 
> for  me. Not nearly as useful as other radio "sweeps" that allow marking 
> pileups  and/or going to them or empty freqs.  
> 73, Bob  K8IA
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