[TenTec] Pegasus mic input is Hi-Z, unbalanced!

Craig Roberts crgrbrts at verizon.net
Wed Mar 22 13:14:08 EST 2006

Taking a very simple, experimental approach first, I fed the output of 
my audio chain (Neumann BCM-705 mike & Ashly DPX-200 pre-amp/parametric 
EQ/compressor/limiter) directly into the Accessory audio (line level) 
input of my Pegasus.  The result was acceptable.  I then fed the chain 
into the Accessory audio input through a Whirlwind L'il Imp matchiung 
transformer.  The result -- after backing off the pre-amp's input gain 
by a factor of about 30 dB --  was the same.  A liberal sprinkling of 
snap-on ferrite beads on all the interconnecting cables, plus a 1/4 wave 
radial on the ground post attenuated RF contamination. 

In truth, however, the "unmedicated" Ten Tec 705 electret mike fed 
directly into the Pegasus mike jack probably sounds as good or better on 
sideband.  I'll check into the Sunday net and demonstrate with an A-B 
comparison.  I'll be interested in your reactions.

Thanks for all the feedback, impassioned and otherwise.  I'll keep 
playing with this.  It's fun.




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