[TenTec] Johnson matchbox tuner

Mike Manship mjmanship at iquest.net
Mon Mar 27 12:04:17 EST 2006

Quoting Lyle Dunlap <lyle3dd at grics.net>:

> Someone came out with a fix for using a Johnson Match Box on 30M,  here on
> the reflector.  Would that person or someone who remebers tell me how it was
> done?  Friend wants info.  (forgive me for non TT subj matter)
> Lyle W9FCX
> _______________________________________________
For 30 meters

I have a 120 ft dipole up 30 ft fed with an unknown
length of 450 ohm "window" line. In order for my Corsair
to be happy with this antenna and my Johnson KW matchbox
I had to add inductance in series with each leg of the
feedline. I had some Airdux coil stock and tapped around
on it with alligator clips to find the right ammount of L.
This gives a good match in the 40 meter position.

At the bottom of the 80 and 40 meter bands I have to add
some series capacitance to get the antenna to tune properly.

If I had exactly the right length of antenna plus feedline
this would probably not be necessary.

Adding the series capacitor in the 50 ohm input should take
care of all of the above.

73 de Mike W9OJ

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