[TenTec] The ORION II sure makes me happy - metadiscussion

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Fri Mar 31 22:05:10 EST 2006

Sinisa, and others,
        I think you are misconstruing some constructive criticism here. 
So, let me set the record straight.  As a lot of offline email has
confirmed, a number of people share my concern over what I see happening
on the reflector.  I have no qualms about honest debate over the strong
and week points of the Orion and Orion II, and especially about comparing
performance, or issues, and making suggestions about how TT might remedy
them.  This is positive, constructive discussion.  While I know Scott and
maybe a few other TT employees scan the reflector on occasion, I know
that this is not a very good medium for raising complaints or petitions
to them about making changes that some parties may think are necessary
for the rig.  That's what 'ditsnbits' is all about.
        What I do have a problem with is the few users who find the
reflector a convenient place to get on one of their favorite points and
then make multiple postings a day harping on that point over and over. 
This is a destructive practice that does not contribute to the exchange
of ideas, and, after a short period of time, discourages anyone else from
participating for fear of setting off another round of the same old
gripes.  It also leaves the casual reader thinking that the majority of
Orion users are unhappy because of the number of irate or petulent
        I'd like to think the reflector could be a place to gather for
help, shared experiences, opinions, and give and take about TT rigs, and
only have to make use of the 'delete key' now and again.  The signal to
noise ratio recently has been negative.

        73,  Duane

On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 20:34:54 -0500 Sinisa Hristov <shristov at ptt.yu>
> Bill Tippett wrote:
> > But what is the point of the public weeping
> > and gnashing of teeth?
> Thanks God, unpleasant truth looses against the pleasant untruth 
> :-)
> 73,
> Sinisa  YT1NT, VE3EA
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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