[TenTec] [Orion] Orion 2 - Anyone else notice this?

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Wed May 3 02:40:37 EDT 2006

Wait...I know exactly what that noise is!  It was bugging me for years, but 
after nosing around the Internet, I finally found out that it is the nasty 
third harmonic of a Cuban jamming station that jams 6.030 MHz.  I read about 
it on a shortwave users list, and when I tuned down on  the harmonic, I 
heard the same thing, only stronger and a little narrower since the whole 
signal tripled, causing the sidebands to expand in kind.  I understand that 
several complaints have been filed through diplomatic channels, but the 
Cubans don't care.

17 Meters is closed now at my QTH, but I'm hearing the fundamental fine.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Nason" <jmnason at yahoo.com>
To: <orion at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Orion] Orion 2 - Anyone else notice this?

>I checked this morning (5/2) and I hear it but ever so
> lightly.  It is barely discernable here in Chicago but
> seems to be there.
> 73,
> John NA9U
> --- BobK8IA at aol.com wrote:
>> >From about 18086 thru 18094 khz I am hearing some
>> popping  "digital artifect"
>> signals, or so it seems. They are random, not
>> associated with  any signals on
>> the band nor settings of NB and NR. Typical s-meter
>> levels S2 or  so. They
>> are there no matter what version I have loaded. I
>> have 2.033 preentl on  my O2.
>> Certainly not showstopping but annoying nonetheless.
>> Anyone comment?
>> 73, Bob  K8IA
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