[TenTec] Happy Orion owners (was question about updates)

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Wed May 3 09:43:22 EDT 2006

It's true that there are chronic complainers in society but the whole Orion 
thing can't be dismissed that way.   Here's one reason:  In the old days, 
when you bought a car, rig, or some other widget, and were unhappy with it, 
you could modify it yourself.   Have you looked under the hood of a new car 
these days?  Try finding the oil filter, spark plugs, battery and other 
basic things.   they are getting to be impossible for a shade tree mechanic 
to work on.  Same with ham rigs.  All or most of the Orion problems seem to 
involve the firmware.  But ten tec treats the code like it's top secret eyes 
only fouo.   So, no one knows much what's going on, and no one can do 
anything except wait for the updates.  So part of the problem is the 
customer has a lack of control over the problem, more so than in the old 
days and that drives the compaints.  If there were user mods for the 
problems, everyone would shutup and do them.  this kind of thing may also 
apply to the new yaesu and icom rigs also since they are also complicated 
and running firmware I think.

rob / k5uj

<<<I have over 30 years experience in management with various companies. One 
the things I have learned, and was shocked to learn, is that some people are
only happy when everything is going wrong. I try to disassociate myself from
these people. The opinions of this type of person should be ignored. I am
not talking about the person who finds a problem and offers a solution. The
dysfunctional person I am talking about never has a solution and are never
happy. They only have problems.


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