[TenTec] 937 PS-troubleshooting-(blush)-TNX TEN TEC--Lesson Learned

David S. McCallum w7sac2 at cox.net
Thu May 4 14:38:10 EDT 2006

AL how much power were you running???, Mac (have a scout and just wondering)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ARDUJENSKI at aol.com 
  To: tentec at contesting.com 
  Cc: service at tentec.com 
  Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 12:08 PM
  Subject: [TenTec] 937 PS-troubleshooting-(blush)-TNX TEN TEC--Lesson Learned

  ISSUE: Chirp on the CW signal.  Voltage at output of 937 was dropping  from 
  14.2 TO 10.3
  Well, after checking several potential problems and not identifying the  
  culrpit I tried an Astron 7 amp and same problem but noticed meter light was  
  dimming. I made a call to TEN TEC thinking the problem may in fact be the SCOUT  
  and I may have to ship that out.
  I talked with GARY at Ten Tec and with an AH HA and a rub of the chin, Gary  
  said he thought he knew what the possible problem was-- RUNNING MORE THAN  50 
  WATTS on the Scout. I had readjusted the RF CONTROL from 5watts and just  
  turned the adjustment all the way clockwise. Well dang it HE WAS  RIGHT. With 
  power meter and dummy load in hand backed off the drive and  everything is working 
  ONE MORE THING: Gary noted sometimes the caps to the final C1 and C4 could  
  have been the wrong value or need replacing with 100v 104s (0.1). Thankfully  
  that was not at issue
  I thought I would pass this LESSON LEARNED along. Not quite as bad as  not 
  having it unplugged  but close (smile)
  Thanks to all who have responded and especially GARY AT TEN TEC  

  Alan  KB7MBI
  Woodinville, WA

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