[TenTec] 937 PS-troubleshooting-(blush)-TNX TEN TEC--Lesson Learned
ve1bn at ns.sympatico.ca
ve1bn at ns.sympatico.ca
Thu May 4 17:38:32 EDT 2006
Alan -
Real glad you found the problem. I had no idea you were running excessive
73 -
Don, VE1BN
----- Original Message -----
From: <ARDUJENSKI at aol.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Cc: <service at tentec.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 2:08 PM
Subject: [TenTec] 937 PS-troubleshooting-(blush)-TNX TEN TEC--Lesson Learned
> ISSUE: Chirp on the CW signal. Voltage at output of 937 was dropping
> from
> 14.2 TO 10.3
> Well, after checking several potential problems and not identifying the
> culrpit I tried an Astron 7 amp and same problem but noticed meter light
> was
> dimming. I made a call to TEN TEC thinking the problem may in fact be the
> and I may have to ship that out.
> I talked with GARY at Ten Tec and with an AH HA and a rub of the chin,
> Gary
> said he thought he knew what the possible problem was-- RUNNING MORE THAN
> 50
> WATTS on the Scout. I had readjusted the RF CONTROL from 5watts and just
> turned the adjustment all the way clockwise. Well dang it HE WAS RIGHT.
> With
> power meter and dummy load in hand backed off the drive and everything is
> working
> great.
> ONE MORE THING: Gary noted sometimes the caps to the final C1 and C4 could
> have been the wrong value or need replacing with 100v 104s (0.1).
> Thankfully
> that was not at issue
> I thought I would pass this LESSON LEARNED along. Not quite as bad as not
> having it unplugged but close (smile)
> Thanks to all who have responded and especially GARY AT TEN TEC
> Alan KB7MBI
> Woodinville, WA
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