[TenTec] K4DPK VFO Stabilizer

M. P. Haynes k4beh at juno.com
Thu May 4 22:34:38 EDT 2006


That doesn't sound like normal operation of his stabilizer.  Could you
possibly need a PTO rebuild?  Did it jump like that before the
installation of the stabilizer?  If yes, then the stabilizer thinks you
have suddenly moved the VFO knob and will not correct for it.  I would
suggest you contact Phil directly (K4DPK) at k4dpk at comcast.net.  I
believe he may still be visiting in Alabama but it won't hurt to try.


On Thu, 4 May 2006 13:19:03 +0100 "Larry L. Laflamme" <laflamme at ncia.net>
> GM.
> I recently (finally) installed the K4DPK VFO stabilizer in a Triton 
> IV. (Not
> a model 540!) I believe I installed it correctly, but I'm wondering 
> if it is
> operating the way it was designed.
> I let the rig warm up for about 20 minutes, and tuned to a strong CW 
> signal
> on 40 meters. The little red LED on the K4DPK board blinks slowly, 
> and the
> CW signal is stable. Every couple of minutes, the receiver "takes 
> off" and
> slides off frequency by several hundred hz.  (I verified this by 
> listening
> to the CW note and I have a 244 digital readout). After going off 
> by
> 200-400Hz, the rig comes back down to the original frequency.
> Is this the way the VFO stabilizer is designed to operate, have I 
> wired it
> improperly, or does my Triton have some other issue?
> Thanks,
> Larry, N1SHM
> BTW I  have other Tritons, but hesitate to uninstall and reinstall 
> the
> stabilizer.
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