[TenTec] Orion Noise Reduction

Gary Tuck gtuck at mac.com
Fri May 5 16:39:52 EDT 2006

Earlier this spring, I installed v1.371 again and confirmed the near  
magical improvement NR brought.  As the other noise reduction toolkit  
items were in the AGC loop, NR was delicious frosting on the cake.   
There were many times when NR lifted the signal out of the noise  
better than reducing the BW.   Smooth running amidst urban noise.   
Beautiful!  I agree completely with Buck.  Effectiveness began  
deteriorating with v1.372.  NR only seems to reduce the audio of both  
the noise and the signal in it's current version.

But I'm using v2.056 now cuz v1.37x also brought a harsh leading edge  
to strong CW signals and instability, especially when using my TT  
amp.  I've gone to v1.373b5 a number of times and returned to v2.

The tough choice at my QTH is not between v1 and v2 on the Orion but  
between the Orion and an Omni VI+ with an InRad roofing filter.  My  
Plus is from a very early production run but has been updated with  
the TXCO and not sure what else.  It is very pleasant to listen to.   
The NR on this early version increases the noise but also improves  
the S/N ratio.  The NB doesn't do much in my neighborhood--the Orion  
hardware NB is better.  On very weak signals, I think the Orion does  
a tiny bit better.  But the Plus is so simple and a joy to operate.   
Orion is presently on the desk.

Gary W7TEA

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