[TenTec] Copper Flashing

Randy Russe3ll lord_russell53 at yahoo.com
Sun May 7 11:56:36 EDT 2006

Right, that's the stuff I got.  10" wide, 20ft. long. 
Worth every penny of the price.  It's not "foil"  when
the say 3 oz. it must refer to 1 fooot, or one sq.
foot. I would guess the stuff is good to a kilowatt of
 RF EASY. Because of the RF sKin effect, it is equal
to a very large wire conductor.  When using it for
radial or shielding applications remember the voltage
handling requirements are greatly reduced.  The stuff
I have has a paper backing on one side that's a bvit
hard to remove if you have to.  If the 1/16 thickness
isn't good enough for you, fold it over and double or
triple it's thickness. It's heavy enough for RF, but
if you want a better path for DC ground, just run a
heavy conductor a along side it and short them to each
other every few feet.     

--- Bill Tippett <btippett at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> <<<Maybe a ribbon of #6 a couple feet wide may work
> but flashing copper
> hasn't been all that much more expensive until
> recently.>>>
> K5UJ:
>  >that's a bit of the problem.   a few years ago i
> could get 6" wide strap
> from AES and 50 feet of it was around $100.
>          From www.lowes.com :
> Amerimax  10"x20' 3oz. Copper Flash Roll $21.87
> Amerimax  8"x20' 3oz.   Copper Roll          $17.47
> I'm sure Home Depot carries it also.
>                          73,  Bill  W4ZV 
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