[TenTec] Omni 6+ for Sale

Toby Pennington toby423 at earthlink.net
Sat May 13 17:23:57 EDT 2006

Omni 6+ for sale serial number 10C10210 with matching Power Supply/Speaker.  This rig was completely checked out by Ten Tec in February 06 and it is in excellent operating condition. I can supply the Ten Tec service record if required.  This rig is loaded with all filter slots filled.  It has the 1.8khz, 500hz and 250hz 6.3Mhz filters,  and also the 500hz and 250hz  9mhz filter in the N1and N2 slots.  Manual and Power cable supplied.   

I am asking $1,850.00 shipped anywhere in the US.  Will not ship out of country.  Interested parties can email   toby423 at earthlink.net   where you will be sent to my spamblocker,  but I will get your message,  or you can call 423 929 1346 after 5PM weekdays,  or anytime on weekends.   Postal money order or cashiers check OK.   

Couple of pics are available also.      Toby   W4CAK

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