[TenTec] Orion I CRT

CATFISHTWO at aol.com CATFISHTWO at aol.com
Mon May 15 16:11:14 EDT 2006

I had the same problem and had to run a 1/2 inch wide braided  ground  strap 
from the power supply ( 50 amp astron) to the ground lug on the  orion,  fixed 
it in a  flash  I guess the screen is very  sensitive to voltage 
tom N6AJR
 have an Orion I that I recently purchased used. I have noticed that  the
CRT display flashes on and off with each dot and dash that I send. If  I
reduce the power output to 50 watts or less the problem goes away. The  SWR
is 1:1 and the Orion is properly grounded.

Is this normal?  

Dave N1IX

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