[TenTec] Scout needs a new home

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Mon May 22 21:09:33 EDT 2006

In defense of the Scout, I have to jump in here.

I have used my Scout at home with vertical all bander, (Gap Titan) and with 
attic dipoles, or low outdoor modified G5RV known as the K5KVH; and had no 
trouble working DX, or whatever was coming thru on 20 SSB.  And even 40m.  I 
seldom got on the other bands, but it worked fine on 15/ 10 when they are 

At several years Field Days for our club, recently, the Scout has been used 
QRP (5w) on 20m SSB with giant horizontal loop antennas, (up to 12 waves 
around on 20m) and made the largest scores in our class/ section for several 

QRP with a superior antenna and the Scout is a great experience.  With 
ordinary dipole class antenna, the Scout gives a lot of fun with 50 watts 
and has been known to close a band, (my Scout and another were the last left 
hearing each other in a roundtable).  I get lots of great audio remarks 
unsolicited on the Scout, and then when I tell them it  is 50 watts, they 
are amazed.


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