[TenTec] Mobile CW Paddle

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Wed May 24 21:28:18 EDT 2006

For those of you who work mobile CW, I'm curious what you use for a
paddle?  I have the Begali Traveller Lite, and find that while the
magnetic tensioning is great for fixed position operating, it has too
little tension for mobile work.  At least, that's my  conjecture.  What I
find is that riding on a bumpy road (that's any road in my truck), it's
far to easy to screw up the sending with extraneous dit's and dah's.  I
have the tension set on the highest setting, which is still light
compared to most paddles, and have not tried opening the spacing yet. 
That may help.  I'm curious what others of you find works well for mobile

        73,  Duan
(perhaps this goes with the current Scout topic, to tie it to TT!)

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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