[TenTec] Mobile CW

K. Indart kitdart at ntelos.net
Fri May 26 23:46:00 EDT 2006

Hi Paul,
     15 years ago I used to do a lot of CW mobile, mostly on 40 meters.
Generally with the same bunch of ops; many ex Navy types.  Really miss those
fellows.  Hamming since the late 40's and my first transmitter was a 6L6
xtal controlled.
     Copying in the head is not rocket science.  I learned by just
listening, not writing anything, except the QTH and the name.   When you
reach 20-25 wpm typing or writing is a chore, besides it distracts you from
what the "OP" is saying.
For many years now, I never write/type.  Lately have been practicing fast
code and at around 35-40 wpm and it is a lot of fun; just like carrying on a
   Gimme a call or email me and we can have an "on the air" qso.
Email: wa4rph at arrl.org

Ken,  WA4RPH    160-10 m, Omni VI+ Centurion, 238B Tuner, 135' zepp at 55'
and 2 m into DC area.

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Paul Gates, KD3JF
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 8:29 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Mobile CW

How did you learn to copy code in your head?

Paul, KD3JF
Glen Burnie, MD
FM19qd (Map Grid Square)

----- Original Message ----
From: john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com
To: tentec at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 3:58:08 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Mobile CW

It's certainly quite possible to work CW mobile without a safety risk.... if
you would have
asked me this before I tried it, I'd have disagreed too, but after a number
of months of just
copying QSOs in my head, it's become second nature, and far far less
demanding than talking on
a cell phone, for example.  The great by product is that I've  became very
good at copying CW
in my head....and though I'm only at the 25-28 WPM or so range, it's allowed
me to break
through a barrier that was in place because I was in the habit of "stick"
copying everything.
Now I can't stick copy (I think this is akin to touch typing. . . at some
point, looking at the
keys becomes a burden, not an aid!)

CW mobile works far better (with the normally inefficient antennas) than
mobile SSB, and has
really become a joy. I use a 706MkII....paddles are a set of homebrew
contacts about 3" long
that are clipped to a bracket extending from the console / armrest in my
Jeep. My hand drapes
normally onto the homebrew paddles, I copy in my head, I use a post it note
on my steering
wheel to jot down a call and I feel far less distracted in doing so than
yakking on a

Living is a risk...we all pick our operating point.

John K5MO

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