[TenTec] corsair scrambled&scrachy audio

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Sun May 28 21:31:38 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 12:09 -0700, James Pearson wrote:
> new to ten tec bought corsair on line (oops!) listens awesome tunes up fine shows alc&drive out put on meter in rig swr under 1.2:1 but modulation is jumpy and audio is horribly distorted and scratchy tried several mics amped/unamped.any suggestions would be a great help please go easy I'm not a electronics expert! this one may have to go to ten tec. thanks JIM kb1nni
You don't need an amplified microphone. And you only get about 20%
average power from voice on SSB. That is 20% of peak. Trying to drive up
more than about 20% of peak power will cause lots of splatter and
distortion. Try backing way off on the audio.

Then there are possibilities of dried out electrolytics in the
transmitter audio or dirty contacts where cables connect to boards. And
I've fixed lots of radios at a distance by suggesting the PC board
mounting (and grounding) screws be tightened.

73, Jerry, K0CQ,
All content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer

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