[TenTec] ORION died

Martin AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Sat Nov 4 00:26:25 EST 2006

I suppose you tried the "give it a kick" method?  It could be a loose 

Sorry for the misfortune!

73 Martin AA6E

Pfizenmayer wrote:
> Think you are probably right Carl - at least hopefully -(it has gotten even 
> worse now so looks very much like a regulator going kaput ) - but I just 
> looked at the 81917A7 CPU/DSP regulator schematic  and they are things I 
> cannot get locally tomorrow and get them installed by 2pm so I guess I will 
> set the O aside and hook up my TR7/R7.But maybe I can avoid a trip back to 
> TT with it. Besides I am not looking forward to pulling the front panel 
> again to get to those regulators!
>  73 de Hank K7HP

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