[TenTec] Astron and TenTec rigs (Paragon)
Dennis, NC2F
nc2f at arrl.net
Sun Nov 5 10:58:21 EST 2006
This past field day a club member brought his (new) Astron RS-35 power
supply and there were noted problems with several radios that
individually tried to use it as a for power as they were getting RF
from the supply. Moving it 5 ft. distance away didn't solve the
problem. I had a ground strap in my tool box and placed it between the
negative post and the supply chassis of his PS. This seemed to do the
trick in eliminating the RF circulating currents by grounding them to
the chassis. I knew to try this because this was a noted issue with
Astron supplies several years ago on another thread elsewhere I had
read. I'm happy to report I've never had an issue with any of my Ten-Tec
supplies in this regard. I also own a Daiwa SS-30 metered switcher for
field use, also without any problems out of the box. It may be there is
RF getting into your radio. Do a google search on "/ground strap/" and
"/astron/" and see if you can find the discussion and fix.
Dennis, NC2F
>> I seem to recall some users reporting problems with Astron PS's and tentec
>> gear (though for the life of me, I can't recall the details). I'm having a
>> problem in that using a 50A Astron (new filter cap) results in a raspy CW
>> sidetone note... sounds like 60hz but I cant be sure. It happens only when
>> on higher powers (>60watts) on all antennas (including dummy load) on all
>> coax, etc etc.
>> When I switch to a different supply (in this case, another Astron as bench
>> supply) all is well. The Omni VI that sits next to the Paragon on the
>> operating table has no issues. Swapping all cables with the perfectly
>> working Omni results in no change...Omni stays good, Para bad.
>> The Para has just made a round trip to Tentec and has a clean bill of
>> health.
>> The Para and omni is being fed through identical TT magnetic breakers.
>> Ideas? I'm stumped. I've got other supplies to use, but there should be no
>> reason for this!
>> John K5MO
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