[TenTec] Side tone

Robert Redmon k5sm at attwb.net
Sun Nov 19 12:28:32 EST 2006

Is anyone else with an O2 displeased with their cw sidetone?  I have had my
Orion 2 since March and have struggled with the side tone from day one.  I
am not sure how to describe it; it just never sounds quite right.  Using my
Icom and Yaesu radios for a while makes the problem seem even worse.  Make
and break are just not clean .almost sounds like a chirp with a click on
make.  No matter what frequency I set it at, when keying the radio (not when
using the spot button) it sounds harsh.  Headphones makes it worse.  After
the firmware upgrade to 2.037j, it seems to have gotten worse.  


Not related to power level.  Same at all power levels.  Not an rf problem.
Not a headphone problem.I have several.all sound the same.various impedance.


Bob K5SM


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