[TenTec] FW: [QRP-L] Next problem with cw on Corsair
Bwana Bob
wb2vuf at qsl.net
Tue Nov 21 20:49:14 EST 2006
I read on the Maritime Radio Historical Society web site that they used
a Drake 2B as a cw monitor at the KPH coast station. The coast station
ops wanted to hear their cw as sent over the air.
John Vickers wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dr. Gerald N. Johnson" <geraldj at storm.weather.net>
>> Thing is any other audio oscillator with a fine waveform takes a while
>> to start and to stop and won't follow high speed keying well and the
>> sawtooth is has as fast a rise and fall as the RF output. Cleaning with
>> a low pass filter adds delay too. I suppose one could rig a continuously
>> running sine wave oscillator and switch the audio from it on and off and
>> keep up. But that's more complicated and its hard to get rid of the back
>> wave.
> I prefer to monitor my sig real time with another receiver. Also lets me
> know what the xmtr is sounding like. Having kept every rig I've had since
> '61, there's several to choose from. Mostly use the HQ180 and a large old
> speaker right at ear level. RF & AF gain adjusted down of course but still
> loud enough to hear with the cans over my ears. I've never found a built in
> monitor that I liked..........73, WA4TT
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