[TenTec] RigBlaster and Orion II

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 25 22:24:30 EST 2006

Hi Ken,

No, I haven't tried one, but I'm not using any RCA connectors. I'm 
still in the stage of getting the mic to work though the RiagBlaster 
plus without hum.  Could be a ground loop, but it doesn't sound 
typically ground-loopy -- the hum is too strong. I'm thoroughly confused...


At 07:04 PM 11/25/2006, you wrote:
>Kim have you possibly tried a line isolator? if that cures the
>problem then it is obviously a ground loop somewhere in your
>setup. Some inexpensive isolators are available from Radio Shack
>de ken n9vv
>Kim Elmore wrote:
> > OK, I'm confused.
> >
> > I have a RigBlaster Plus that I'm trying to use with my Orion II. I
> > have installed the jumpers following the manual diagram, which also
> > follows the wiring for Yeasu rigs. I'm experiencing terrible hum on
> > the audio and I can't figure out why. What's wrong? How *should* I
> > configure the jumpers?
> >
> > Kim Elmore, N5OP
> >
> >
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