[TenTec] Front End Saver FOLLOW UP

Larry Menzel retire at means.net
Mon Nov 27 09:44:17 EST 2006

Well, ask and you shall receive...no pun intended!

I spoke with a couple guys on 75 this morning and VIOLA!


KD9SV does, in fact, make a front end saver.

More...here's one guy's home-brew FES if you want to build one for yourself:


Learn something every day.

Larry, N0XB

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <k3hx at juno.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 2:03 AM
Subject: [TenTec] RX input Orion 1

> In the upcoming 160M contest, I plan to TX on ANT 1.
> My RX antenna is about 1/4 wave away (that is as far as I can get it
> away from the TX anenna)and will likely couple a
> considerable amount of energy from the TX antenna.  No amp, barefoot.
> I have the original Orion.
> Does the radio short out or open the RX antenna input during TX?
> 73
> Tim Colbert  K3HX
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