[TenTec] Orion 2 Rx ant socket

Robert Carroll w2wg at comcast.net
Fri Oct 6 19:08:27 EDT 2006

I would say you are bringing a lot of RF into the rx jack, and though the
lead may be grounded during transmission, it still has to get to ground
through some path in the Orion.  In fact, you may have enough RF flowing to
damage the rx jack relay or other components.  I have been surprised at the
magnitude of currents picked up by some of my rx antennas on certain bands.
There are various ways to look for a "hot" antenna/band combination, but one
I have found useful here is to use a grain-of-wheat lamp I buy at Radio
Shack, which is rated at something like 1.5 v, 20 ma, the smallest current
draw they carry.  I connect this lamp between the rx antenna (disconnected
from the transceiver) to ground.  If I see no illumination I am happy.  If I
see a dull red, I am watchful, and if it is anything more than dull red, I
don't use that rx antenna on that band.

It is easy to forget not to use a sometimes hot antenna, so I built the
front end saver given in schematic form in ON4UN's latest Low Band DXing
book.  Somewhere I have the number of the relay he used in his own unit.  It
is a fast PC board style relay and will stay ahead of the Orion's keying so
you can use it in QSK.  The unit shorts the rx input during transmission. 

Bob W2WG 

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of G3RXP
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 5:25 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: [TenTec] Orion 2 Rx ant socket

Hello Members,

I have a rx antenna for 160/80 metres so I have the Rx button pressed in,
and while using it on 80 metres everything works OK, but when I go to 160,
there is a loud hissing noise from the loudspeaker and the O2 reboots. It
sounds as though there is a high level of RF coming into the rig via the RX
antenna, I thought the rx antenna socket went down to earth on transmit.
Any advice appreciated.

73 Dave G3RXP  
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