[TenTec] Centurion Amp Woes

Jason Buchanan jsb at digistar.com
Sun Oct 8 22:16:02 EDT 2006

> I would be interested in other comments on the turn-on/off vs. leave it on
> conundrum.

I never turn off a tube if i'm going to use it within the next 3-4 hours.

On the other hand the Drake L4 I have has the original Amperex 8163 tubes 
that came with it and my grandfather used the amp a lot during the first 35 
years of its life.  Keeping the tube cool (especially the anode seal at the 
top) by running within rated limits contributes more to life expectancy than 
reduced power cycling if you ask me.

I had a Centurion a few years ago - one of the newer models with the black 
paint.  It was the best amp I've ever had.  Too bad about some guys having 
problems with theirs.  Must have been a bad run of transformers.  I wish 
TenTec would put a little higher voltage on the plates - i'd still run a KW 
but with less grid/plate current.

73 Jason N1SU

Jason Buchanan - Boxboro, MA
Website: http://n1su.com/

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