[TenTec] email to TenTec Service about my Orion I V2

Bernhard Hoidn bernhard.hoidn at online.de
Thu Oct 12 15:11:20 EDT 2006

RFGain  Main RX  96     and Sub RX 100

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Moreschi" <n4py at arrl.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Cc: <bernhard.hoidn at online.de>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] email to TenTec Service about my Orion I V2

What is the RF gain set at for the sub-receiver?

Carl Moreschi N4PY
121 Little Bell Drive
Bell Mountain
Hays, NC 28635
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernhard Hoidn" <bernhard.hoidn at online.de>
To: "TenTecForum" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:56 PM
Subject: [TenTec] email to TenTec Service about my Orion I V2


I wrote few times about my problems with the Orion I V2.  Now I have sent my
second email to TenTec, to find a solution.
Here are the two emails. Perhaps somebody have the same problems .

Bernhard Hoidn


Dear Sirs,

two months ago, I sent You an email , because of my problems with my TenTec
Orion I V2.

Now I tried the three different software.

First  I got the V2 with the 2.056.  Than the 2.059d and at least the 1.372.

I made the Battery reset and the Master Reset.

But the problems are the same.

My sub receiver always crashed at the latest of one hour.   At this time the
S-Meter of the Sub Receiver is completely on the right side. And I can hear
only whistle and scratch.

Sometimes I must turn on the AF knob and than the Sub RX works. But mostly I
must turn off the TRX for 3 or 4 times and than the RX is ok.

If I used the headphones, and than the speaker, I didn´t hear anything.
First I must start the Orion new and than the speaker works.

I tried all situations,  sweep on or out,  Bin RX on or out,  speaker both,
sub  or main, but nothing helps.

Mr. Carsten Esch, the German Dealer of TenTec, said to me, that ´s not a
hardware problem, it´s a software problem.

But many TenTec Operators sent me an email, and they think it´s an hardware

Something must happen, my patience is at the end.

As I wrote in my first email, my Omni 6+ works and works without any
problems and I´m very lucky with him, but with this Orion I V2, I have only

Perhaps You can help me!!!!!

Best regards

Bernhard Hoidn, DL2RBB

First email

Bernhard Hoidn


Dear Sirs,

in May 2006 I ordered a (commissioned) TenTec ORION I transceiver at
"Appello Funk" here in Germany. The price was 3300 EURO and the radio was
delivered from the US via Appello. The software version is 2.056 and I was
told that the necessary modifications were done. I also ordered a 600 Hz CW
filter which was installed. A 250 Hz filter was not available yet.

>From the beginning I had AF problems when using my stereo headphones. The
audio started to become scratchy after a while. Besides that I hear the
audio on the left side only then all of a sudden I hear it on the right side
and then it disappears completely. By unplugging the headphone I can hear
the audio via the internal speaker however its so scratchy and distorted
that it is unreadable.

I contacted Appello a couple of times already and Mr. Esch told me that this
audio problem shows up once per month. The reason for it is the new software
and the use of the sweep function. I turned off the sweep function but the
problem still existed.

The headphones I am using are 36 Ohms.

I am a bit confused now and wonder whether it is really a known software
phenomenon or whether the radio has a problem with the headphone jack. At
the moment the headphone jack is not working at all.

Personally I think the radio has a problem that can and has to be fixed. Mr.
Esch told me the warranty in this case is 4 weeks only and these 4 weeks are
over already. However I told Mr. Esch about the problem one week after the
purchase already which means well within the deadline.

For a couple of years I am using an OMNI 6+ which I like a lot and never had
any problems with.

I am looking forward to hear from you as the situation at the moment is not
satisfying for everyone.

Best regards

Bernhard Hoidn, DL2RBB

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