[TenTec] Have questions

Mary Ann Higgins mahiggins at gmail.com
Sun Oct 22 19:31:00 EDT 2006

Hi John - Well I don't know about the Inrad, but it is my
understanding that it is below
1.0  that rec. is affected. I have the 1.8 TT and hardly use it but
when I do I see no change
in rec. The few times I do use 1.8 is on 20 when there a lot of 20+
signals and boy do
they get mad when the can't push me around! I LOVE IT!
73's Ray W1JUS

On 10/22/06, John <brazos at rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> Hello , I am currently saving for a nice Orion 1 .  I am tiring to get a handle on what to look for on the used market.  I have heard that a radio with all the  optional roofing filters installed actually desensitizes the radio and may not be any kind of an advantage , and that the slick operator puts in a Inrad filter at the 1.8 position and this allows closer in sensitivity ?  can you advise?  Am I close ?   soooooooo confused !   thanks  John kb2huk
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The joy is in the journey...
Mary Ann Higgins

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