[TenTec] Orion (Original) Battery

Mike Gorniak mgorniak at genesiswireless.us
Thu Oct 26 22:38:36 EDT 2006

Hi John,

Can you, or anyone else, tell me where this battery is located? I can't do a "Ram Clear" with my  Orion in it's present state (won't boot). I'd like to try that before sending it back to Ten Tec.

How much disassembly is required to get to the battery?


Mike Gorniak

Message: 7
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:39:46 -0400
From: "John T. Fleming" <W3GQJ at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion freezing up


Have you tried the Batter failure reset?  I had trouble with my display in
September 2003 when I tried a beta version of the Orion software.  Luckily
for me, the Ten-Tec Hamfest was the next week.  I took the rig with me and
to clear the memory completely, they had to remove the backup battery.
Shortly after that, they added the function of holding the VFO-B lock and
turning on the radio.  When battery failure shows on the screen, release the
button.  This may help.  You can read about it at
http://rfsquared.com/index.php?s=Updates&c=565&id=4.  It says my screen went


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