[TenTec] Inflation Calculator

jones_winston at bellsouth.net jones_winston at bellsouth.net
Fri Sep 1 08:36:28 EDT 2006

Some of the high end rigs of today seem a little expensive and are beyond my means. However, the 
lower priced radios of today are far better deals, even when you don't consider inflation. The Icom 
IC-718 can be found new for around $550 today. Taking inflation backwards, that's about like buying a 
full-feature station for around $100 in 1960!

I can remember that the old Hallicrafters, Nationals and even Heathkits weren't cheap, especially for a 
kid just starting in ham radio. Since you had to buy receiver and transmitter to have a station, that was 
around $200-500 in 1960 dollars. Plus, you had about 200 pounds of backbreaking iron to lift and take 
up all your desk space.

I have all Ten-Tec equipment today, most bought at good prices on the used market, many at $200 or 
below. My only new purchase was a Jupiter in 2001, which is still a bargain when you consider 
inflation. And it's much lighter than a DX-100.

73, Winston K4CWQ

> From: Martin AA6E <aa6e at ewing.homedns.org>
> Date: 2006/08/31 Thu PM 06:38:54 EDT
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Inflation Calculator
> They do work for salaries, however!
> You couldn't buy an Orion at any price in 1986, but the point is that we 
> had to work more hours to afford high-end equipment in the days of 
> Collins, Hallicrafters, et al.
> -aa6e
> george fritkin wrote:
> > Inflation calculators do not work in technology
> > 
> > George
> > 
> > --- "D. Kemp" <nn8b at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > 
> >> To figure the cost today of any older rig go to:
> >> http://www.halfhill.com/inflation.html
> >> or
> >> http://www.westegg.com/inflation/
> >>
> >> You will be surprised at the $/bells & whistles of
> >> the
> >> old rigs as compared to todays rigs.
> >>
> >> IE; my Corsair II with PS and Ext VFO and all
> >> filters
> >> was $1988.00 in 1986 dollars would be $3,611.04 in
> >> todays dollars. The Corsair II was the Orion of
> >> 1986.
> >>
> >> 73,
> >>
> >> Don, NN8B
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