[TenTec] Raspy audio in 2.059d

Charles Delaune chas118 at cableone.net
Fri Sep 8 18:39:04 EDT 2006

This may sound stupid, but did you check your setting for the RX EQ under
the Audio menu? It should be 0db for a flat response.


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of John T. Fleming
Sent:	Friday, September 08, 2006 1:15 PM
To:	TenTec Reflector
Subject:	Re: [TenTec] Raspy audio in 2.059d


I did all of the resets.  No change.  I did notice that I keep the bandwidth
at 2300 for SSB.  If I increase the bandwidth to 2450, the 2.4 filter is not
in line and because of the increase of the "high" sounds; the noise is not
as noticeable.  I will wait and see what other replies I receive.  Thanks
for the suggestions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Williams [mailto:rick.williams at telus.net]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 1:20 PM
To: W3GQJ at earthlink.net
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Raspy audio in 2.059d

John I have not noticed the raspy signal.  I have, however, encountered
something similar on previous upgrades.  The solution, for me, was:

       1) Master Reset (Power on holding MAIN RX/TX)
       2) Power off >>  Power back on
       3) RAM reset  (Power on holding VFO B "LCK" button)
       4) Power off >>  Power back on

It worked for me.



Website:  http://www3.telus.net/ve7tk

Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 06:59:26 -0400
From: "John T. Fleming" <W3GQJ at earthlink.net>
Subject: [TenTec] Raspy audio in 2.059d
To: "TenTec Reflector" <tentec at contesting.com>

I notice a bit of raspy audio in the new version 2.059d software.  I am
using the external Orion speaker which has a fair amount of bass response. I
can hear a bit of raspy noise like I have the NR turned on, even though it
shows off.  Anyone else experience the same thing?  Thanks.


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