[TenTec] 2.059d: BinRx still broken

Grant Youngman nq5t at comcast.net
Mon Sep 11 23:07:53 EDT 2006

> I take it you mean an Orion I running V2. Are you saying that 
> you hear lower pitched signals more in the left headphone and 
> higher pitched signals more in the right? 

Yes, Orion on v2.  I put the cans on my head with low pitch to the left
because I have low frequency hearing loss in my right ear but not in the
left (or at least not as severe).

> As you tune across 
> a signal up the band, it moves left to right? That's what I 
> hear in V1, but not in V2.

It moves left to right as the pitch increases in v2.  I haven't reverted to
v1 software to see if it's "different" in some way.  I have checked it on
both Orion on v2 and Orion II, and except for the reversal I mentioned in
another post, they behave the same way.


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