[TenTec] FW: Warning on eBay

Dave Garner dgarner at usit.net
Fri Sep 15 10:50:53 EDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Garner [mailto:dgarner at usit.net] 
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 6:49 AM
To: 'tentec at contesting.com'
Subject: Warning on eBay 

I have listed my Orion II twice on eBay for sale and both times the reserve
was not met.  However, both times, serious bidders have received fake offers
via email to purchase the Orion at a reduced price from thieves posing as
the owner of the rig.

I will have the rig at the Ten Tec hamfest September 30 for anyone wishing
to purchase it.  Price is $3,600.   

Use extreme caution when bidding on eBay or listing items to sale.  I have
sent eBay Security copies of the fake offers both times but just received a
"canned" email back from them on how to avoid problems in using their

Knoxville, TN

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