[TenTec] dual receivers

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Mon Sep 25 00:12:27 EDT 2006

Hi Rob,

You are correct in saying that an Omni VI does not have dual receivers. 
However the VFO memory function of the Omni VI is not limited to single 
band. You can have VFO memory A on one band, and VFO memory B on 
another. You can operate split, cross band. I suppose I would have to 
make some careful observations with a separate receiver to be fully 
confident that when operating split crossband there is no chirp or other 
kind of artifacts relating to switching between bands, operating split, 
with full QSK. The rig will definitely do it.


Rob Atkinson, K5UJ wrote:
> I don't understand the question.  Assuming you are asking about "dual 
> receivers" in the Omni 6+, that rig doesn't have dual receivers.  It 
> provides the function of two vfos with its microprocessor.   on each band 
> with a particular vfo there are two frequency memories.  On a given band you 
> can use vfo A and B to operate split, or switch receive back and forth 
> between two frequencies, but if you can do something such as monitor two 
> separate frequencies simultaneously (as you could do with dual receivers) 
> that's news to me.  there is no such thing as a main and sub rx with the 
> Omni 6+.
> rob / k5uj
> Hi,
> I have an Omni-VI+ and an SDR-1000 and am unfamiliar with the use of
> the second receiver  Can someone give me a quick tutorial or direct
> me to one on the use of the main and sub receiver, ala Orion?  What
> do you use it for, and how does that help working DX or contesting,
> or just plain operating?
> Tnx,  Chas, W1CG
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