[TenTec] Hercules II battery arrangement

Duane Budd dcbudd at charter.net
Mon Sep 25 06:39:35 EDT 2006

I read with some interest the responses to the question of
using a Herc II on batteries. Jerry, K0CQ, gave his usual
erudite, technical answers (usually well above my level of

On this subject, what I THINK he is saying is that the
Hercules should not work quite as well on batteries as with
a 14-volt p.s. My experience using the Hercules on both
bears that out. Optimum output is best with the 9420 supply
operating on 220 v.a.c. While the difference in the received
signal may be insignificant except in very weak signals, the
differences in overall operation, safety and the absence of
hydrogen and all that weight and cables is not.

BTW, I have a set of cables with first-class fuse holders
and fuses I built when I was using the battery/charger
setup, if anyone is interested.

Duane Budd
dcbudd at charter.net

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