[TenTec] Paragon

Jon L. Turner ka0ofp at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 24 22:43:20 EDT 2007

Hello to the Group,

I am new to the group. I have a Paragon that developed
some problems on me yesterday. What happened was with
the power supply. It must have developed a regulator
problem. The voltage went up to about 16 volts DC. I
had turned the power supply. A few minutes later I
turned the Paragon on and started to smell that hot
component smell.  The display went blank.

I put it on the test bench and found Q5 on the Logic
Board burnt. D 20 also looked like it had been hot and
with an ohm meter seemed to be bad. I did not have a
BAT41 Schlottsky Diode so I used another. After
replacing Q5 with a NTE 159 I gave it a try again. The
display would come up blank and all the LED's on the
key panel would light up. Once in a while the display
would show PLL out of lock. I also found that there is
a resistor in the place of where D 21, a BAT41 is
suppose to be. It looks to be factory. Is this a
misprint on the schematic or is it it a change. Both
the schematic and the part layout show it as D 21. The
resistor is 2.2k. 

I did not find any problems on any of the other board
as of yet. It is a bit tough working without a service

Any thoughts or experiences with this type of problem?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Jon Turner

PS Its only been one day and I sure miss my Paragon.

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