[TenTec] Linix

Ed w3nr at comcast.net
Thu Aug 2 18:45:08 EDT 2007

John T. Fleming wrote:
> Someone on the list from time to time has expressed a strong opinion in
> favor of Linux.  I am going to try Ubuntu.  Please contact me off list about
> a good source of Linux ham radio programs.  W3GQJ at embarqmail dot com.
> Thanks.
> 73,
> John

I will also recommend Ubuntu for a newcomer to Linux. If you take the 
time and do some reading, you will see that you can run it as a livecd. 
No installation required. Be aware that as a livecd it will run much 
slower as it is using just the RAM in your computer.

Poke around and have some fun with it, if you don't think Linux is for 
you, just toss the cd....no harm no foul.

There are quite a few ham apps around.....remember "google is your friend".



Debian GNU/Linux
Alpha tester for fldigi...digital software for Linux
List admin for linuxham at Yahoo

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