[TenTec] re Oh?

Grant Youngman nq5t at tx.rr.com
Sun Aug 5 00:50:49 EDT 2007

> the Ten Tec reflector.  Beyond this, is a whole ham radio 
> world of people 
> with amps who have no need for QSK.   It may be important to 
> you all, but 
> the vast majority of hams running amps are running data, or 
> working on 
> phone.  

Nothing worse than clanking relays running VOX on SSB without QSK.  And even
though much data traffic takes place at low power, I can't imagine how one
would run most modern data protocols without QSK if running an amp were
contemplated.  I'm a casual CW operator at best, and still wouldn't own an
amp that didn't have QSK.  

Hard to understand why a simple price increase has engendered the level of
flames and bad juju.  It's just a price increase :-)


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