[TenTec] Tentec Filters For Sale

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Thu Aug 9 23:55:14 EDT 2007

Have the following that are excess to my needs.  They are used in the 6.3 MHz IF in the  Omni V, Omni VII, Omni VII Plus, Paragon, Paragon II, Corsair and Corsair II.

Model 282 - 250 Hz CW filter

Model 285 - 500 Hz CW filter

Model 288 - 1.8 KHz SSB filter

Each filter $65.00 shipped to your USA address or all three for $180 shipped.  Supplied with original documentation.

Money order or PayPal accepted.

Please reply direct  RMcGraw at Blomand.net

Bob, K4TAX

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