[TenTec] controlling more than one ten tec radio with one computer

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 22 08:50:43 EDT 2007

As long as COM port assignments remain unique, there shouldn't be any 
problem running multiple radios from a single computer. You will have 
problems if more than one application tries to run the same radio at 
the same time (go ahead -- ask how I know.)

At least under XP Pro, I've not seen any problems with mixing 
different USB-to-serial adapters. I have two different kinds (both 
no-name) and they work fine. The OS handles the different driver 
requirements without whining.

What I do notice is that if I un-plug one of the USB-to-serial 
devices, start the system, and then plug it back in, the system loses 
track of the driver and it has to be re-installed. I keep a copy of 
the drivers on the hard disk, so it's only a minor annoyance. 
Obviously, the USB-to-serial devices I have do not have embedded drivers.

Also, if I remove  a hub for any reason, restart the system, and then 
plug it back in all the COM port assignments get rearranged. This is 
also an annoyance and I have to keep a list of COM port settings 
somewhere so I can manually reconfigure the settings and then 
restart, (natch'; it's windows!) the OS for the new setting to take effect.

I'll also add that so far, I have never run into a no-name 
USB-to-serial adapter that didn't work just fine. I read various 
cautions that only certain brands will work in certain applications 
and, while this may be true in some cases, I haven't  run across such 
a case in my limited experience.

Kim Elmore, N5OP

At 06:53 PM 8/21/2007, Mark wrote:

>It probably depends on the USB / Serial adapter.  Some USB / serial
>adapters work with some software and not with other software. Others may
>work with the other software.  There may also be a problem with multiple
>USB / serial adapters on a hub. The driver software may map the adapters
>to different COM ports the next time you start the computer.  The
>drivers I have seen have no provision for hard coding which adapter is
>which COM port.  Lastly, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to have
>different models or versions of USB / Serial adapaters installed at the
>same time. Each requires a different driver and installing one driver
>requires removing the other driver.
>If you are only concerned with running one radio at a time, consider a
>mechanical A-B-C-D serial switch.  They should be available for $10 or
>so.  You will probably need some gender changers as most of the serial
>switches I've seen use female DB-9's all around, and unfortunately, the
>4 output (from switch to radios) are the ones that need to be male.
>I use the A-B-C-D switch approach in my shack.
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